Saturday, August 4, 2007

Plaid Shorts and Popped Collars

So a friend of mine from work won tickets to the Legg Mason Tennis Classic last night in D.C. Neither one of us really had anything to do, so we decided to go. It was almost a fiasco getting there - the traffic going into the city was, as it always is, completely horrendous. I seriously don't know how the people living up there do it - props to them for sure.

Anyway, we saw Roddick and Lee play. I'm not really the hugest sports fanatic, but I do like tennis and I dig the Roddick. We didn't get a chance to see the end of the match due to getting a little distracted with the availabilty of alcohol downstairs. We were drinking some really good Thai beer called Sangha when we realized the match was over. I was perfectly fine with that, however - the people in the seats next to us were rude and stuck up. That's the only bad thing about going to tennis matches - too many snobby people in plaid shorts that have no fucking personality. We definitely enjoyed the company of Sangha instead. By the way, Roddick won.

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