Sunday, August 5, 2007

Recycling in Virginia

This is some 1984 shit. Seriously.

So I woke up this morning and loaded my car full of cans and bottles to make my way to our local recycling center. And by local, I mean like 45 minutes away. But whatever. Anyway, Virginia is a commonwealth, so it sucks - but the shit that I just when through has only confirmed the small idea in my head that I need to fucking move. Like yesterday.

When I took my bags up to the front, I was asked to show my driver's license. Not only did they need to see it, but they scanned it as well. Oh no, it gets better. They continued to ask a series of questions, including where I live and my weight. My weight? What the freaking frack does that have to do with recycling cans and bottles? Well, I totally lied to them about that anyway.

They told me that it was a new DMV law and they apologized and said they had to, blah blah blah. My mother and I have been recycling at this place since I was like 16 and we have never had to do this before. So I looked up this new 'law' that supposedly requires recycling centers to ask donors to disclose their weight and hand over their license for scanning. Could not find a thing. If someone out there has some better luck finding that, please please send it my way. I'm dying to know. /sarcasm.

The irony of it all, is that you don't have to do any of that when buying a gun here. Fucking. ridiculous.

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